We Appreciate All Of You
By Cody Wynn
Each year December gives me time to reflect on the last few weeks of the current year. I was fortunate enough to meet a lot of new people this year. I met a woman dealing with some serious health issues whose spirit couldn’t be broken even after the recent loss of her husband. I met a man who despite being on a fixed income wanted to make sure his lawn was perfect for his mother that had recently passed. His mother was a lawn fanatic and he wanted to keep it up just for her. I even got the opportunity for an older lady, in detail, to explain the uncomfortable mammogram she’d recently had. Even though I couldn’t relate to anything she was saying our journey crossed and i was meant to hear it. We may be just “some guys that treat the lawns” but I’ve learned we’re more than that. We’ve been shoulders to cry on, someone to vent to and even someone that shows up at the perfect time to help unload groceries from the car. It means so much to all of us at Wynn’s to offer that kind of trust and support. It’s the least we can do for all of the referrals, kind words and opportunities all of you give us to increase the curb appeal of your biggest investments. From all of us at Wynn’s we say a BIG THANKS!
Prepay Letters 2
Hopefully by now all of you have received your calendars from us. If not please call and let us know so we can mail one to you. Those calendars will help you keep track of how much faster each year is passing. It will also remind you that you’ve written 19′ instead of 20′ on all important documents in January. In the weeks to come Prepay Letters will be sent out. These will show a breakdown of next years treatment plan along with discounts, balances and credits from the soon to end 2019 year. We offer 5% discount on prepaid accounts received by mid February. This Prepay discount is combined with all the other discounts we offer. For example if you’re a senior citizen (Not on an old price plan) and you currently have the 7% senior discount you would also receive an additional 5% discount on your prepay letter. This allows you to rest easy on all the lawn care needs we offer for the year. It also puts you at the top of the list for Spring Core Aeration and Fall Aeration and Re-seeding of Fescue. Prepayment is also Refundable if needed. We know that each day brings new challenges so there is no penalty for a refunded Prepay and no hassle to get it. Included with the Prepay letters will be instructions on how to utilize the Customer Account Website (CAW) . We strive to be different from any other service provider you have. We don’t even charge for the Dr. Phil sessions mentioned above. If you ever have any questions or complaints we want to know!